Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Love lost

My heart
Is pained
This thing I've lost
cannot seem to be regained
I suffer 'neath the twisted,
wrenching weight
Of this sorry love's name
And tortured fate.

I cry,
I cannot find
Desert enough
To dry my eyes
I wait
In vain
The throbbing to subside.

I ache
The very depths of my mind quake,
And every limb and sinew in me

Oh, Love!
Just kill me now
And we'll both bow
In death, surrender
To this lake
Of fire and brimstone
Beneath this flaking edifice
Of bone.

My heart is breaking
It's my life which you are taking
It's my love which you are raking
'Cross the coals.

Ah, Pain!
Is this your answer,
Are you bringing me this cancer
To infect the rotting throne
Of my remains?

Ah, Love,
You took me deftly
And tonight you finally left me
And tomorrow,
Who knows
But only a grim shadow will remain. 

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