Wednesday, November 19, 2014

A Dream

I dreamed about you, dear one,
And you and I were falling,
Not downward,
And not in Love -
But something softer,
Sweeter than this;
I was
And you were
Upward like a star
And I reached out
And touched your trail of light
And you pulled me up,
And I was tightly in your arms,
They were warm and bright.
Then we fell into the sky,
The deep blue night
Dipped inward
Like an ocean,
And we stayed there
While the moon was passing by,
And smiled on us,
You, the rising star, and I.

Thursday, January 30, 2014

The Great Unknown

There is a great  unknown before me,
A great black future
Black because it cannot be seen,
Great because it is perfectly vast
And endless its possibilities

If I take this step,
Into the darkness
Will the light race to meet me?
Will rays run across the reaching span before me?
I am reaching, but there is nothing to hold onto
I grasp for my past,
But can't get back to it.

The light is only here, in this moment.
The fleeting seconds
Quickly dim behind us
The future, not yet known
Stretches blank, and black before us
The present
Is the only moment we are shown.

This is faith:
To take that step.
To make that leap,
Into a black abyss
And whether I fall,
Or whether I stand,
Or hit a wall,
Is up to this:
That I take



The light is in my mind
And not behind me,
Not before me
It shines inside me
Showing me the universe's possibilities.
Imagination is the key:

A dream precedes reality.