Tuesday, November 16, 2010

To a fairy

On a summer's night
I found you
Shining like the moon
Or starry light,
Lying unaware
Upon the petal
Of a white, reposing lily
You were thin, and fair
Your fragile wings
Draped o'er you
or a blanket
Though transparent
So you bare
Your tiny body
To this unexpected stare.

How could it be?
I asked myself
That you have lived
So close to me
And I have never seen you there?

I breathed a sigh
In awe of thy
Luminous beauty
But sensing,
You awoke
To find this stranger's face
Stooped o'er you
in the air.

A tiny gasp -
And you were up,
You lighted past
So swiftly
Like the quickest flash
Of sunlight
On the glassy top
Of ocean
Or a flowing fountain's
Sparkling glare.

But as you flew away
I thought perhaps
You turned once back
With a coy glance
And turned a smile
Before you vanished
-Never to be seen again -
Into the cool night air.

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